Monday, July 16, 2007

Contact Your Representative Now!

The most effective way to communicate with your representative is via snail mail. Feel free to copy-paste, edit, print and mail the sample letter below.

To contact your representative via email, 'copy' the letter and then click here.

Dear Representative ______________ ,

I would like to bring to your attention the high possibility of assassination on US soil of Taner Akçam, an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota and author of “A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide and the Question of Turkish Responsibility.”

Pr. Akçam is a world renowned historian and one of the first Turkish academics to acknowledge and discuss openly the genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turkish government in 1915. He is one of a growing number of Turkish scholars and intellectuals who are challenging Turkey’s insistent declarations that the organized slaughter of Armenians did not occur. His courage has earned him the admiration and respect of top scholars around the world.

Pr. Akçam has recently faced harassment and persecution by both the Turkish authorities and Turkish-American groups.

Like Akçam, I believe that these shameless and un-American campaigns are organized through the Assembly of Turkish American Associations (ATAA) and the Turkish Forum and are directed by certain Turkish diplomats. Please see Pr. Akçam's first-hand account of his experience with these groups at

Pr. Akçam has also received countless anonymous death threats. These threats are credible and represent a clear-and-present danger, especially in light of the recent assassination of Hrant Dink, a Civil Rights activist and journalist of Armenian descent who was assassinated on January 19, 2007 in front of his office in Istanbul. It is well known that Hrant Dink was a close friend of Taner Akçam’s, and it is widely believed that ultra-nationalist elements of the Turkish Government and the military were involved in Dink’s assassination. The threats against Pr. Akçam are eerily similar to the threats against Hrant Dink prior to his assassination.

Many American and Turkish intellectuals are concerned -- rather alarmed -- that Pr. Taner Akçam is the next target of the same or similar group, possibly in the United States.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I would appreciate if you could bring this issue to the attention of your colleagues and to the appropriate U.S. authorities, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I would also appreciate if you could introduce measures to stop these shameful, un-American campaigns against Pr. Taner Akçam. These campaigns are not just attacks on freedom of speech, they also represent a state-sponsored assault on an individual's life.




Anonymous said...

I suggest we organize a big rally in MN.

Anonymous said...

Then get on the phone. Even ONE person or two, loud enough, will ge ton the news! WAKE UP, people. You can catch the ball game later. GET POLITICAL! Fight these so-called Turkish demonic HOLOCAUST DENIER AUTOMATONS! TURKEY's people booted them out of government so they are coming to America to wreak havoc.

Anonymous said...

Truth Hurts said...

This is the real truth of the "Great Humanitarian" Taner Akcam. Lol.